Energy Efficiency Grant (EEG)
The Energy Efficiency Grant helps businesses transition towards being more energy efficient by co-funding investments in energy-efficient equipment. As announced at Budget 2024, the EEG will be expanded to more sectors from 1 April 2024. With the expanded EEG, EEG applications will be streamlined under one shopfront on GoBusiness, so that it is easier for businesses to access support for energy efficiency.
As announced at Budget 2024, the EEG will be expanded to more sectors. From 1 April 2024, companies in the Manufacturing, Food Services and Retail sectors1 can apply for the EEG. We will further expand EEG to cover maritime, construction, data centres and their users by end 2024. More information will be available in due course.
1 Based on company’s ACRA registered SSIC code.
EEG (Base)
A company that meets all the following criteria can apply for the EEG (Base):
- Business entity registered and operating in Singapore in the Manufacturing, Food Services or Retail sector as defined below;
- Manufacturing companies that are classified under SSIC 10 to 32 (including Food Manufacturing)
- Food Services companies with valid Singapore Food Agency (SFA) licences and classified under SSICs 56 or 68104
- Retail companies that are classified under SSIC 47
- Has a minimum of 30% local shareholding,
- Employ at least one local employee at the firm-level
- Has a Group Annual Sales Turnover no more than S$500 million3
The project shall not have commenced at the time of application.
2 Companies may be requested to furnish supporting documents as part of the grant application process.
3 SME is defined as having:
- Group Annual Sales Turnover of no more than S$100 million; or
- Group Employment Size of not more than 200 workers
- Business entity registered and operating in Singapore in the Manufacturing, Food Services or Retail sector as defined below;
The list of EEG equipment supported can be found on GoBusiness.
Companies can submit equipment models under selected categories to be considered for support.
For Clothes Dryer, Commercial Refrigerator, Cooking Hob and Water Heater, please submit via this link
For Boiler System, Compressed Air System and non-MELS regulated LED Lighting, please submit via this link
Please note that all equipment submissions must meet the respective technical requirements to be eligible for support.
The grant application window for the EEG (Base) is from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2026.
Companies will have up to 1 year from the time an application is approved to purchase and install4 the equipment and submit claims for reimbursement. Once an application has been submitted, companies may choose to proceed to purchase the equipment before the application outcome. However, companies will not be able to claim subsequently if the application is unsuccessful.
4 Only the actual purchase of the equipment is supportable. This excludes other related administrative fees/charges, e.g. delivery fees, installation.
For Manufacturing (including Food Manufacturing) Companies
Applications will be submitted through
To apply for the EEG (Base), manufacturing companies will have to: i. Email to verify company’s eligibility and request for application documents.
ii. Obtain quotations from the vendor.
iii. Submit application via Food Services and Retail Companies
Applications will be submitted through the Business Grants Portal (BGP) which is a one-stop portal for business to apply for government grants.
To apply for the EEG (Base), companies will have to:
i. Visit GoBusiness to access the list of supported equipment brands and models.
ii. Obtain quotations from the vendor.
iii. Submit an application on the BGP. Companies will need to have a CorpPass account to transact on the BGP.Companies should refer to their primary SSIC code to determine the appropriate sector and agency to apply to.
For Manufacturing (including Food Manufacturing) Companies
Claims will be submitted through
To claim for the EEG (Base), manufacturing companies will have to ensure:- Claimant has purchased the equipment as approved in the application; and
- Claimant has deployed and installed the equipment; and
- Claimant has paid for the equipment in full; and
- Claimant has submitted all claim documentation including:
- Invoice
- Payment supporting documents. The documents should indicate important information required such as grant applicant name, payee name, payment date, payment amount and approval status of transaction. Acceptable documents are bank statement, cheque and bank transfer image.
- Delivery order
- Pictures
- Equipment being installed and used on site. Pictures should be clear to show the equipment and location where it is being used.
- Serial number of equipment (if applicable)
Disbursements can only be made after the claims have been approved.
Approved claims will be credited directly through GIRO bank account provided by the business entity.
For Food Services and Retail Companies
Claims will be submitted through the Business Grants Portal (BGP). To claim for the EEG (Base), companies will have to ensure:- Claimant has purchased the equipment as approved in the application; and
- Claimant has deployed and installed the equipment; and
- Claimant has paid for the equipment in full; and
- Claimant has submitted all claim documentation including:
- Invoice
- Payment supporting documents. The documents should indicate important information required such as grant applicant name, payee name, payment date, payment amount and approval status of transaction. Acceptable documents are bank statement, cheque and bank transfer image.
- Delivery order
- Pictures
- Equipment being installed and used on site. Pictures should be clear to show the equipment and location where it is being used (e.g. restaurant, supermarket).
- Serial number of equipment (if applicable)
Disbursements can only be made after the claims have been approved.
Approved claims will be credited directly to the registered PayNow Corporate account or through GIRO bank account provided by the business entity.
Businesses operating from residential addresses or Home-based Businesses (HBBs) are not eligible for EEG equipment.
For EEG (Base) equipment supported, the holding period is one year from the date of approval of the final claim.
Each company is subjected to a grant cap of S$30,000 for EEG equipment supported under EEG (Base), starting on 1 April 2024 and ending on 31 March 2026.
Companies that have fully utilised their grant caps will not be eligible for further support within the validity period of the grant cap. Companies are encouraged to plan the use of the EEG for their purchases.
Companies can put in more than one EEG (Base) application depending on business needs. Concurrent EEG (Base) applications are also possible.
For Food Services and Retail companies, you may wish to visit Enterprise Singapore’s webpage or contact Enterprise Singapore for more information.
For Manufacturing companies, you may wish to visit NEA’s webpage or contact for more information.
T: +65 6643 0577The operating hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Saturdays).
Enquiry Form:
T: +65 6708 7288The operating hours are from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (Mondays to Fridays).
EEG (Advanced)
The Energy Efficiency Grant (EEG) (Advanced) helps businesses transition towards being more energy efficient through co-funding support for companies that wish to make larger investments to drive greater energy efficiency.
The EEG (Advanced) was designed in recognition that companies in certain sectors may need to invest more beyond the support provided in the EEG (Base) to purchase energy efficient equipment relevant to their operations.
From 1 April 2024, companies in the Manufacturing sector3 can apply for the EEG (Advanced). We will further expand EEG (Advanced) to cover the maritime, construction and data centres sectors. More information will be available in due course.
3 Based on company’s ACRA registered SSIC code.
From 1 April 2024, A company that meets all the following criteria can apply for the EEG (Advanced):
- Business entity registered and operating in Singapore in the Manufacturing sector as defined below
- Manufacturing companies that are classified under SSIC 10 to 32 (including Food Manufacturing)
- Manufacturing companies that are classified under SSIC 10 to 32 (including Food Manufacturing)
- Has a minimum of 30% local shareholding;
- Employ at least one local employee at the firm-level;
- Has a Group Annual Sales Turnover no more than S$500 million.
The project shall not have commenced at the time of application.
Note that SME is defined as having:
- Group Annual Sales Turnover of no more than S$100 million; or
- Group Employment Size of not more than 200 workers
- Business entity registered and operating in Singapore in the Manufacturing sector as defined below
Unlike the EEG (Base), the EEG (Advanced) can support non-pre-approved equipment as long as the equipment demonstrates energy savings above 350 tonnes of lifetime carbon abatement. Support under the EEG (Advanced) is based on the lower of
(i) support levels under the EEG (Base) according to company’s size4, or
(ii) based on the equipment’s expected lifetime carbon abatement. Support will be capped at $350,000 across all of a company’s EEG (Base) and EEG (Advanced) applications.Companies applying for the EEG (Advanced) would also need to submit a third-party assessment report from a whitelisted third-party qualified assessor on the projected energy savings that the purchase of the energy efficient equipment would generate. This is not required for EEG (Base).
4 This will be 70% and 30% of energy efficient equipment costs for SMEs and non-SMEs respectively.
Installation/Purchase of the following would not be supported under EEG (Advanced):
a) Vehicles
b) Key equipment in systems* that require Measurement & Verification at system level for legislation compliance or Green Mark Scheme (or equivalent government scheme)
c) Blackbox solutions (i.e. software or hardware devices whose functioning cannot be explained by applying mainstream engineering knowledge and theories for EE improvements)
d) Non-EE equipment, including monitoring devices and equipment that reduce carbon emission but does not reduce energy consumption (e.g. solar PV Panel, wind turbine)
e) International vessels* For chilled water system that do not need to comply with NEA’s Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES), replacement of standalone key equipment of chilled water plant (e.g. chiller, cooling towers) can be supported under EEG(Advanced).
For chilled water system that shall comply with NEA’s MEES, EEG (Advanced) can support chilled water system replacement/new installation that
(1a) can meet or exceed MEES performance standard before MEES comes into effect, or
(1b) exceed MEES performance standard after MEES comes into effect, whichever applies at the point of the first EEG(Advanced) submission; and
(2) is installed with M&V sensors/meters to facilitate post retrofit system efficiency determination for compliance with MEES. The cost of M&V sensors/meters would not be funded under EEG(Advanced).Applicant shall refer to the third-party assessment form for details.
Please refer to the following link to calculate the estimated grant support level for EEG (Advanced) based on the company’s size and equipment purchased.
Please refer to the third-party assessment form that the whitelisted third-party qualified assessor would use to document the assessment and endorse the projected energy savings for the project. The signed form shall be submitted along with the application for the grant.
The list of whitelisted third-party qualified assessors for manufacturing sector is as follows. Only applications endorsed by whitelisted third-party qualified assessor would be processed.
Whitelisted third party assessors Website and contact details Accredited ESCOs NEA | ESCO Accreditation EEO Assessor (independent) Certified EEO Assessors – Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessor (EEO Assessors)
Note: EEO Assessor (Independent) is denoted by -SP in their EEOA ID. EEO Assessor (Independent)‘s certification should be valid (i.e. certification has not expired) before or on the sign off date of the third party assessment report.Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) - Energy Efficiency Technology Centre (EETC) Website:
Energy Efficiency Technology Centre | Singapore Institute of Technology (
Contact details: Polytechnic (SP) – Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency (ESEE) Website:
Centre ESEE - Industry and Partnerships | SP
Contact details: Ann Polytechnic (NP) - The Centre for Environmental Sustainability (CfES) Website:
CfES (
Contact details: -
The grant application window for the EEG (Advanced) is from 1 April 2024 to 31 Mar 2026.
Companies will have up to 1 year from the time an application is approved to purchase and install5 the equipment, and submit claims for reimbursement. Once an application has been submitted, companies may choose to proceed to purchase the equipment before the application outcome. However, companies will not be able to claim subsequently if the application is unsuccessful.
5 EEG (Advanced) supports the purchase of the equipment as well as any costs that are necessary to bring the equipment or system to a functioning state. Recurring fees or compliance costs will not be supported.
For Manufacturing Companies
Applications will be submitted through Companies will have to:
i. Email to verify company’s eligibility and request for application documents.
ii. Obtain quotations from the vendor.
iii. Submit application and accompanying documents to information on how companies for other sectors can apply will be provided once the other sectors have been onboarded onto the EEG (Advanced).
For Manufacturing Companies
Claims will be submitted through To claim for the EEG (Advanced), companies will have to ensure:- Claimant has purchased the equipment as approved in the application; and
- Claimant has deployed and installed the equipment; and
- Claimant has paid for the equipment in full; and
- Claimant has submitted all claim documentation including:
- Invoice
- Payment supporting documents. The documents should indicate important information required such as grant applicant name, payee name, payment date, payment amount and approval status of transaction. Acceptable documents are bank statement, cheque and bank transfer image.
- Delivery order
- Pictures
- Equipment being installed and used on site. Pictures should be clear to show the equipment and location where it is being used.
- Serial number of equipment (if applicable)
Disbursements can only be made after the claims have been approved.
Approved claims will be credited directly through GIRO bank account provided by the business entity.
More information on how companies for other sectors can claim will be provided once the other sectors have been onboarded onto the EEG (Advanced).
Businesses operating from residential addresses or Home-based Businesses (HBBs) are not eligible for EEG (Advanced) equipment.
For EEG (Advanced) equipment supported, the holding period is one year from the date of approval of the final claim.
Companies that have fully utilised their grant cap will not be eligible for further support within the validity period of the grant cap. Companies are encouraged to plan the use of the EEG (Base) and EEG (Advanced) for their purchases.
Companies can put in more than one EEG (Advanced) application depending on business needs. However, each company will be subject to a $350,000 grant cap across all their EEG (Base) and EEG (Advanced) applications.
Yes. However, any grant support from the company’s previous EEG (Base) and EEG (Advanced) applications will be subtracted from the total $350,000 grant cap stipulated for each company.
No. The EEG (Advanced) only covers the purchase of the energy efficient equipment and any costs that are necessary to bring the equipment/system to a functioning state. Any other installation, assessment and administrative costs must be borne by the applicant company.
T: +65 6643 0577The operating hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Saturdays).
Enquiry Form:
T: +65 6708 7288The operating hours are from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (Mondays to Fridays).
Updated as of April 2024.